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Happy is the man who does not go in the company of sinners, or take his place in the way of evil-doers, or in the seat of those who do not give honour to the Lord.
Psalms 1:1

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Missions & Visions What's New

第一課, “遭遇敵對文化Encountering a Hostile Culture”Danieel 1:1-10, 17-20

路加福音中耶穌的比喻 “光向前照亮!”,The Parables of Jesus in Luke “Shine Forth!” 
第九課, “神不原諒一些人嗎?Session 9, “Does God Not Forgive Some People?” 
第八課, “為什麼神允許人們受苦?”Session 8,“Why Does God Allow People to Suffer” 
Assurance of Guidance 引導之確據 

Top News

Christmas Is in the Heart, Not in a Tree 

Christmas Is in the Heart, Not in a Tree 

Sanctification and Spiritual Growth 

神為人類之設計God’s Design for the Human Race 

We were created to do Hard Things吾人已被神創造可作困難之事 

Missions & Visions

Christmas Is in the Heart, Not in a Tree 

Christmas Is in the Heart, Not in a Tree 

Sanctification and Spiritual Growth 

The New Birth or Reborn ­ (新生或重生) 

God's Design for the Human Race 


Christmas Is in the Heart, Not in a Tree 

The New Birth or Reborn ­ (新生或重生) 

God's Design for the Human Race 

神為人類之設計God’s Design for the Human Race 

A Command to Keep – 5. Respect One Another 

Helpful Stories

再託付於神的呼召Recommitting to the Call 

Christmas Is in the Heart, Not in a Tree 

Christmas Is in the Heart, Not in a Tree 

Sanctification and Spiritual Growth 

The New Birth or Reborn ­ (新生或重生) 

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

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